We support Mothers In Need of Others (MINO), which serves Rochester families in need. They are an emergency assistance program, supporting 92 agencies and churches when their supplies are running low. Current needs
include: baby care items, personal/feminine hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and paper products. If you can donate any of these items, please contact MothersInNeedOfOthers@gmail.com; (585) 348-8596.
To read more about this community-service agency, visit: https://mino.projecturge.org/
Over the years, Edge Advertising Group has supported Project Urge, the parent organization of MINO. by collecting toys at Christmas time, wrapping gifts at their price-reduced Christmas Store in Rochester,
collection of baby items, and Public Relations services.
If you are looking for an opportunity for your team to work together in supporting our greater community, visit https://projecturge.org/. This organization has many different types of community service,
for you to choose a service need which reflects the gifts of your team.