Ask signBy asking, you can benefit your Customer Relations, Sales, Employees, and website SEO. Yes, even website SEO.

What should you be asking and to whom do you make the requests? The ask is: Please review our business online. Pose these requests to your customers.

There are a few consumer-oriented businesses which seem to naturally motivate people to write online reviews. For most businesses, however, you have to overtly ASK to receive online reviews.

Online reviews benefit your Customer Relations because they are opportunities to reflect. By writing reviews, they become consumer thoughts which are more likely to be remembered at the point of future buying decisions. If there are needs for follow-up, composed reviews are less threatening for Reviewers to execute. Reviews will give your business opportunities to touch base with customers again, listen to the customers, and offer options to better meet customers’ needs and wants. The reviews may also help to refine current operations.

Online reviews benefit Sales, too. As shared above, the process of writing reviews solidifies the buying experience within customers’ minds, creating a greater possibility that future buying decisions may result. Also, we all understand the hunt for reviews before we procure, in today’s world. These reviews can be of benefit to future customer prospects.

Online reviews benefit employees. People like feedback and reviews provide that feedback, accompanied by details, at times. When feedback is positive, good feelings are generated. When feedback is less than positive, understanding consumer behavior and being able to make adjustments to the act of doing business can build feelings of empowerment.

Online reviews benefit website SEO. Google likes to see reviews. It is a way to learn about how a business is perceived within the marketplace. Since Google is the creator of Google My Business, this review space is valued the most. Another SEO impact can be earned through Facebook reviews, too.

Ask for reviews and earn benefits for your Customer Relations, Sales, Employees, and website SEO. Develop an asking routine which will increase the chances that ‘asks’ will be put into action. One example is to send an email request at the closure of consumer purchases, with click-throughs to where you would like reviews placed. This makes the review process just one click away and more likely to be completed. Reputation management services offer a variety of options to assist businesses with the consistent ask, too.